Monday, March 9, 2015

Week #39 in Texas - Monahans, TX

This week has been so amazing! We are really really excited for Monahans right now! It is on fire!

So first off-- transfers were on Saturday, and they always sneak up on me. But both Sister Krause and I are staying!! Yay! Actually, our entire district stayed the same. We are really happy!

So our investigator Everett got a new job right when we started meeting with him, and it took up all of his time and made it so he wasn't able to ever attend church. :( So we just had to talk to him over the phone, and we were really worried because we wouldn't be able to have lessons with him. Then we called him yesterday and he said that he quit his new job because it was getting in the way too much! We were so excited! We were able to have a lesson last night with him and it went so well. We taught him the Word of Wisdom, and he told us that right when he started meeting with us, he felt like he needed to get his act together and he decided to just quit smoking! Before we even talked about it! it was so cool! Then he told us that he was never one to turn down a drink, but the other day some guys brought out beer and offered him one and he rejected it and felt so good! It is amazing to see the Lord working so prominently in his life so quickly. He was a bit shocked about the coffee and tea, but knew it was a commandment of the Lord so he said he would live it! He is so stellar and humble! We just love him! And now we can meet with him so much more, and he can come to church!

We also have a new investigator named Javier who we met this week. He called off of a commercial he saw for the church, and that is how we got his information. So we called him and set up an appointment. He showed up 10 minutes early to our lesson and called us to make sure it was still on, because he was so excited! It was adorable! So we taught him, and he told us that he really knew that he was supposed to meet with us, because Satan had been working so hard on him all day, and that work was really hard and he felt like he wanted to cancel. So then he recognized that he needed to go that much more! He went to his trailer to take a shower before our lesson, and he said he had no hot water! So again, he was going to cancel. But then he thought of the world’s cutest idea. He got 15 Styrofoam cups of water, then he microwaved them and dumped them on his head so he could take a "shower" and come to our lesson. Talk about dedication! He is so awesome! We taught the lesson at the church and he said when he walked in, it felt like he was home. He also said that he couldn't feel that at the other churches that he went to. By the end of our lesson, he said he wanted to be baptized! So we are working out all the details for that and will continue to teach him. The Lord is doing so much good work in Monahans!

We are also working with 3 less actives who are really progressing.  Two of them came to church last Sunday, and neither of them had been in over 2 years! Really, really cool. I love working with less actives because they already knew it was true at one point, we just need to help them remember and spark that fire again.  We have really been able to see the Spirit at work!

Sister Krause and I are really excited to still be working together, and we can tell we both still have so much to learn from each other!  The Lord is hastening his work and I am so grateful to be a part of it!!


Hermana Bleyl

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